Monday, August 14, 2023

Let’s Get Real About Iran Nuke Deal


It’s time to stop listening to the neocons in the Millionaire Congress (with its 14% public approval rating) and corporate media, and consider some facts and fresh voices on the Iran Nuclear Deal.

The corporate media keeps wanting us to think that problems with Iran began with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini‘s followers taking American embassy workers hostage in 1979.

Not so.

The American problem with Iran began in 1953 when the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) instigated a coup, overthrowing the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government in Iran. The U.S. installed the Shah as ruler, giving the West control again over Iranian oil.

The neocons want the American public to believe that our chief concern should be the possibility that Iran can create a nuclear weapon, which could spell doom for the free world.

17975_miscellaneous_nuclear_explosion_explosionNot so.

Instead, the American public should concern itself with who actually IS DEVELOPING nuclear weapons: The Obama administration has instituted a 10-year TRILLION-DOLLAR revitalizing of nuclear armaments. In response, Russia has announced adding 40 nuclear-warhead missiles, with capabilities to penetrate missile defense systems, to its arsenal. And China is increasing its nuclear defense program. In the past, we called that a Cold War. But with U.S. saber-rattling, it could get hot fast.

Is the Iran Nuke Deal a Good Deal?

The neocons in Congress, and the neocon leader of Israel, say the nuclear agreement with Iran is evil. The Obama administration says it’s good for America. Here’s what some non-politicians say:

Israel’s former security advisors — including former generals and the Mossad — are urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the Iran deal, a move they feel would help restore trust between Jerusalem and Washington.

As far back as April, a plethora of nuclear experts welcomed the blueprint of the Iran nuclear agreement. You can read all their statements here.

Who Will Control Oil, Gas, Eurasia?

The problem has never really been about Iran’s nuclear capability. The real concern is this: Who will control Eurasia and the flow of oil and natural gas?

PrintZbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, since the ’70s has been pushing for the U.S. to be the world’s lone super power by controlling Eurasia. He takes credit for the U.S. arming the Taliban in the ’70s and seducing Russia into invading Afghanistan, which Brzezinski saw as “Russia’s Vietnam”.

Not learning from Russia’s mistakes in Afghanistan or America’s in Vietnam, the U.S. followed Russia, invading Afghanistan, pushing into Iraq, in Libya and around Ukraine through NATO, and now into Syria.

Meanwhile, the U.S. sanctions on Iran and Russia created another form of declared war. And opponents to Iran possess major concerns which have nothing to do with nuclear weapons or supporting terrorism. Here is the major concern:

Iran, once sanctions are lifted, will become a major supplier of oil and natural gas to Russia, China and possibly the other BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Indeed, Iran may end up becoming a member of BRICS, and join its effort to grow the global economy separate from American and European control, as well as operating in currencies separate from the U.S. dollar.

But none of this may prove of concern if the public doesn’t force policymakers to halt the growing U.S./Russia/China nuclear buildup and begin sanely negotiating standing down on nuclear weapons. Remember: in this age of high technology, with nuclear weapons depending on computer controls, all it might take is some mad hacker, or team of hackers, to set off a first nuclear missile. Guess where we’ll all end up then.

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