Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Trump WILL Go After Middle East, Eurasia Oil

In our column “Obama Widens Carter’s, Bush’s Global-Rule Policies”, we wrote how the United States’ endless Middle East wars are a lust for world domination through controlling Eurasia, especially its energy resources. Donald Trump is showing he’s preparing to expand that continuum to the max.

The present president, America’s Chief Exceptionalist, for years has obsessed over forcefully taking the Middle East’s oil, his eye specifically on Iraq and Libya. It’s clear that he believes America has the right to other countries’ oil, and needs not be concerned about international law in going and taking it.
Trump: Obsessed with Middle East oil

As the National Review reported in mid-2015, the early days of the presidential campaign:

Case in point: American policy in the Middle East, where Trump has in recent years repeatedly endorsed the bizarre, bellicose fantasy that the U.S. could and should seize oil fields in Iraq and Libya.

In 2007, Trump said that the U.S. should “declare victory and leave” Iraq, “because I’ll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down.” Four years later, as Obama prepared to withdraw U.S. troops from the country, Trump was more or less getting his wish. But by then he appeared to be arguing that the U.S. should maintain its troop presence simply to seize Iraqi oil fields…

…At CPAC 2013, Trump said… ““When I heard that we were first going into Iraq, some very smart people told me ‘well, we’re actually going for the oil,’ and I said, ‘Alright, I get that, there’s nothing else, I get it. We didn’t take the oil! And when I said, we spent $1.5 trillion we should take it and pay ourselves back. What are we doing? What the hell are we thinking?”

… To this day, Trump sees the oil fields as the fulcrum of power in the Middle East. After being prompted by Anderson Cooper to elaborate on his plan to deal with the terrorist group ISIS, Trump declared, “I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields. I wouldn’t send many troops because you won’t need them by the time I’m finished.”

Trump's Calculated Moves

Now, nestled impishly in the White House, Trump has made calculated moves which show he’s aiming to “take the oil” and let Big Oil and Wall Street profit away, the environment be damned. Here are significant actions which show his plan:

1.     He has brought in Big Oil’s major mover as his chief foreign-relations rep, i.e. Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson, former chairman of ExxonMobil, the largest of the Big Oil corporations. Rexxon, at this writing, is visiting Moscow for his first official government face-to-face with Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister. He eventually met with President Vladimir Putin, who’s upset with Trump’s recent bombing of a government airbase in Syria, where Trump has also begun to send U.S. ground troops in country.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

But Tillerson, as ExxonMobil’s head, held friendly meetings with Putin in the past on his company’s lucrative projects in Russia, some stalled by U.S. and EU sanctions. As The New York Times reported last December:

Exxon Mobil has various projects afoot in Russia that are allowed under American sanctions. But others have been ground to a halt by the sanctions, including a deal with the Russian state oil company to explore and pump in Siberia that could be worth tens of billions of dollars.

Russian officials have optimistically called the agreement a $500 billion deal.

2.     Trump has wiped clean from theWhite House website any mention of climate change. This is an Orwellian move to turn American minds off to dangers from the planned increased burning of fossil fuels. It's also to implant the propagandized necessity of oil production at home and invading other countries to secure their oil for U.S. purposes – increase jobs and grow the economy.    

.  3.  He has appointed Wall Street execs, military brass, and neocon politicians to major cabinet positions, aiding his effort to secure the banking industry’s and military support for his pro-oil policies. He’ll probably get it from the bankers and neocons, whose top priority is profit.

The military contingent may prove tougher. Experienced military officers often push against aggression. For one reason, because aggressive war was the chief accusation and conviction against the Nazis in the Nuremberg trials following World War II. But also because they see that the Washington neocons who push America into wars tend to have an unrealistic view of the consequences.

James Mattis, Trump’s defense secretary and a former army general, in February quickly tried to buffer Trump’s “get the oil” statements by saying flatly, “We’re not in Iraq to seize anybody’s oil.” But Mattis may not be able to stand up against Trump and the Exceptionalist, neocon clout in D.C. 

 4.     Trump has proposed drastically increasing the defense budget, because he’ll need military might to take over other countries’ oil, and even greater might if he’s going to move against Russia.

5. He wants to balloon Washington’s nuclear-arms capability as a threat to any who oppose his Exceptionalist effort to control the world’s oil. We wrote of concern about this neocon effort creating a New Cold War in our column for The Clyde Fitch Report: “Nukebuild:This Will Not End Well”. This was even before Trump sailed into office, calling for the U.S. to become the world’s greatest nuclear power.
Nukebuild will not end well.
Can’t you also see Trump envisioning what to do after getting Iraq’s and Libya’s oil? Go for Iran. Then Saudi Arabia, once a CIA-led revolution starts against the kingdom’s royalty. Maybe even go in to Russia and secure all those oil and gas reserves for Rexxon.  Don’t you think that’s how his mind works?

There are foreign relations experts, economists, and press who say Trump’s brash desire to move in and take Middle East oil won’t work. But, if you asked him, he’d probably retort that’s what they said about his chances of becoming president. 

Too, he has a Congress packed with millionaires who want to be billionaires. They’ll tend to go with the Wall Street banksters rather than the military realists. Of course, by the time Congress understands what’s going on, climate change or mushroom clouds – the Earth's and civilization’s greatest threats -- may have taken final control.

Meanwhile, what will you do? For years we’ve suggested you need to get organized (you can’t do it alone), educated to issues, and active in bringing change, if you want change. If you don’t want change, or are afraid of activating it…your children will evaluate you one way or another. If the world’s around for them.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Good Night, Prince Sweet

Eric Sweet, my son-in-law who I consider a son, died suddenly of a heart attack on Monday, April 6 [2015]. Artist, teacher, brilliant, radical mind -- he and my daughter Catherine Armbrust clearly worked hard to grow an honest, loving, intensely creative marriage, and succeeded until it ended too soon in their early 40s.
The amusing Eric musing.
He also possessed an amazingly rapid and pinpoint wit, and a deep sensitivity for humanity, especially family -- graceful enough I believe to smile at my twist of Shakespeare in this column’s headline.

I loved Eric’s art, his humanness and wit, but most of all I loved the way he loved my daughter.

His website,, will provide you with a comprehensive look at his artwork. What became clear in the memorial held for him last Saturday in Columbia, MO -- where both Eric and Catherine have been teaching part-time and creating art following achieving their Masters of FineArts – was the respect other teachers and students had for his art, and particularly his caring method of teaching.
Catherine and Eric royally partying
He wrote a candid and delightful self-profile on Sept. 25, 2013 for a high-school class reunion. That’s quoted below, followed by the last birthday sonnet I wrote to him last September.  Our love and sorrow are deep, as is our connection – much clearer now – with his spirit.

Eric’s Self-Profile

"I guess I will stop lurking and actually contribute to this even though it makes me feel old. In 1988 I attended Mizzou on an art scholarship. After 4 years getting nowhere in school I dropped out in order to party for a while and worked as a full time bartender. In 1994 I tried to move to Alaska with Doug Mittelberg in a half-assed, half-hearted attempt to figure out something to do with myself. I didn’t last long because I realized that you can’t run away from yourself. So he stayed there and I came back to Columbia and kicked around for a while until I re-enrolled in school where I was able to study for a time in Italy and then earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in painting from Mizzou in 1997.
I then moved to Kansas City and got a job designing and building stained glass domes for a restaurant company called G\R interiors and traveled all over the country installing them. I did that for seven years all the while making my own work and taking every opportunity to learn every hand working skill I possibly could. While working at G\R I also worked as a chauffeur, a blacksmith, and dealer of vintage items. From stained glass I moved into warm glass (using a kiln) and finally glass blowing before I decided that I really hate glass in 2005.
That year I began pursuing an MA in Printmaking at UMKC and also began running the art gallery on campus. While at UMKC I curated shows from all over North and South America and one from Ghana in Africa and set the Guinness record for the World’s Longest Linoleum Print. I earned my degree in 2007.
In 2008 I returned to Mizzou to pursue my MFA in Printmaking and earned my degree in 2011. Since then I have been on year-to-year contracts as a professor teaching all levels of Printmaking and Drawing and running the print lab. I don’t consider it a job because I love every minute and I can’t believe they pay me (even though it is not very much) to do it. One thing I especially love is when my students roll their eyes at me when I quote Mrs. Ewalt and tell them they don’t have to do something they get to do it.
My personal artwork merges and expands the definition of drawing and printmaking and explores the failures of idealism viewed through the lens of 19th century mid-western American utopian societies. I am constantly making work and exhibit nationally and internationally and search for tenure track jobs at preferably research universities but really any place that will hire me.
My wife, Catherine Armbrust, and I met in 1994 and were married in 1998. She is also an artist and professor and her work is mainly sculpture that critiques gender roles in modern society. I am constantly in awe of her brilliance.
We have been fortunate to travel most of the world together and are currently working on finding a way to do her dream trip to Greece sometime in the near, but probably far away, future.
In our spare time we like to make fun of each other and everything else and enjoy most outdoor activities and games and spending time with the people we love."
Their tenth wedding anniversary


A birthday sonnet
for my son-in-law Eric Sweet

The art of printmaking, they say, centers
on originality. That just fits
you: a true original. Consider
yourself a monotype, a composite
of man called artist—melded by the Muse
from the best who’ve come before. When Rembrandt
etched his amazed selfie, or Goya fused
his “Disasters of War,” or Vallotton
kissed his “Cogent Reason,” surely they sensed
something in your waiting soul, your mustached
mouth pressing your wife’s loving cheek—presence
of all that’s human. When Dürer’s eye flashed
upon St. Jerome in his study, surely
he sensed your wit in the great scholar’s psyche.

Roger Armbrust
September 15, 2014

(This column originally appeared in reality: a world of views.)